Personal Student

Education Loans

We believe you should have the tools to make your dream education possible.

Student loan available for MN residents and students at NSCU.
We can help finance your education and get your career off to a great start. Our local bankers can create a North Star student loan plan that’s sustainable for you and your family.


Education Loan Options

Meet Our Loan Staff

Cindy Stevens


Lizzie Pretti

Lizzie Pretti


Drew Braun

Drew Braun


Lynn LaFlair


Visa Credit Card

With no annual fee, no promotional teases, and rates as low as 7.90% APR*, our Visa credit card is an honest bargain. Looking to build credit? Apply for our share-secured Visa, and start bringing that credit score up.

Getting Started Is Easy

Not yet a member?

Membership is required for loans and accounts with us. But you can apply for them and become a member at the same time.

Need some help?

From online banking assistance to helpful telephone banking, there are all kinds of ways to contact us.

Already a member?

Apply for loans and open additional accounts in the mobile banking app, from the More screen. Or log in to online banking and see it on your menu.

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